You Bet!
Here in Cripple Creek we spend many a long hour over the winter thinking up things to entertain ourselves through the summer. Besides being absolutely drop dead gorgeous for scenic beauty and splediferus mountian driving, we also have killer Historic Museums, displays, parks and our most famous residents, the Cripple Creek Donkey Herd!
So when we all gather in the evenings round our favorite watering hole (which come mighty early up here in the winter), we tend to come up with some wild and wacky things to entertain the tourists when the weather breaks. This year is no different than any other, except, being particularly long and cold, we have cooked up some extra special events for everyone to play in come our annual celebraytion of everything Donkey.
Here is the long awaited rundown of our 77th Annual Donkey Derby Days lineup for 2008!
First, on Friday June 27 we start setting up the tents and stuff and checking in Vendors. Should you be interested in vendoring at this event that is sure to draw thousands of spectators as well as participants, go to the Cripple Creek website here:
Friday evening is our Steak Fry kickoff with a Can Can act and dance lessons called out from our very own Silver Screen Saloon Show!
Get your tickets early and plan on spending the nite, cause it could be a long one!
Seein' as how we are just a hop, skip n a jump from the Colorado Springs area, why not pile them kids in the cruiser and come on up and check us out! The parade on Saturday (tons of candy gets thrown so bring a bag) draws plenty of oddball entries.
Kids events, Donkey Races where anyone can throw their name in the hat for 5 bucks for a chance to run with the Donkeys around town for some BIG prize money, Mountain Mama contests where you all get to act like real live Mountain Moms what with cookin, cleanin, changin the baby and feeding the old man......music, beer, wood carvers with Chain Saws, Sand Sculpters and tons more fun that even I cannot keep up with! Throw your money down for some tough Chicken Poo Bingo, just be careful when you pick it up!
Our parade is FREE and we even have prize money for the best of show in a couple of different categories! Bring your best dressed float, mini float, pony, donkey, mule, llama or girlfriend and show 'er off in our parade that lines up forever and lasts a good long time and goes smack through downtown! Oh yea!
There will be shootouts, showdowns and hoedowns going on all over the place in this lively little slice of Americana. Be sure to come on up and say HEY to the folks in the 'Creek that have worked and slaved all winter long at their favorite watering hole to bring you this fine weekend full of fun & games!
Tell 'em Carrie sent ya!
Y'all come back now, y'hear?
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